Your journey starts with you

Take the first step

Whether you’re aiming to climb mountains, realize dreams or reconnect with your true self, it alls starts with taking your first step. That first step can feel scary and intimidating, but having a coach at your side can turn that step into a trusted leap of faith.

Our Services

Single session — $350

Single sessions including an Insights Discovery assessment and a one-hour debriefing with me.


You may also choose packages of 6 or 12 sessions. This allows us to dig deep on challenges you are facing and unlock new perspectives.
(Highly recommended)

6 sessions for $1,350
12 sessions for $2,500

You are powerful

I often work with high-performing international professionals who struggle to find the balance between meeting the urgent needs of the moment and experiencing fulfillment. In today’s world, we often forget to stop and consider what truly brings us joy.

Through our coaching sessions, we’ll discover what motivates you most, how to overcome seemingly impassable obstacles, examine challenging relationships and work on ways to use your professional success to feed personal growth.

Take the first step. Book your free 30-minute consultation