What is

Insights Discovery?

Insights Discovery is a psychometric tool designed to help individuals understand themselves and others better. It's based on the principles of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and focuses on four primary personality types: Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green, and Cool Blue. Each personality type represents different preferences in behavior, communication, decision-making and interaction with others.

Based on you

The Insights Discovery assessment walks you through a series of questions that aim to understand you as a person and a professional. Afterward, participants receive a detailed report outlining their preferences and tendencies across the four color energies. The report also provides insights into how you can leverage your strengths, communicate more effectively and adapt to the preferences of others. It's the framework of how we will grow you as a person, improve your teamwork and grow you as a leader.

  • It all starts with the questionnaire. You’ll be asked to provide your answer as quickly and as instinctually as possible. After, you’ll receive a report, which we will walk through together to help you interpret the findings.

  • A single profile for an individual (not part of a team), including the personality test and a one-hour debriefing session, costs $350.

  • Unfortunately, Insights Discovery cannot influence your organization’s leadership. However, it can help you understand your strengths, weaknesses and how to better work with leadership to achieve your goals.