Teamwork makes
dream work

Let’s face it. Teams can fall into a rut, and they need someone to help them return to championship form. Great coaching can do exactly that. I help organizations build stronger bonds and better communication patterns so they can reach goals once thought impossible.

  • Team effectiveness

    Create better collaboration and communication that will help you reach next level results.

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  • Leadership workshops

    Discover what it takes to truly inspire and chart a course that others will follow.

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  • 360° assessment

    A comprehensive methodology that helps you see how others see you.

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  • Thriving with change

    Learn the skills to adapt and evolve in the face of uncertainty and upheaval.

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Team effectiveness

High-performing teams are a critical piece of successful organizations.

Beginning with a foundation of self-and-other-awareness, I help people understand why they choose to work the way they do, why others may make different choices and what that might mean for the overall effectiveness of the team.

By applying this understanding, the team can begin building better relationships with their closest colleagues at work. As those relationships improve, so do things like productivity, communication, clarity of role and purpose, and overall team effectiveness.

Leadership workshops

Almost 90% of business leaders say that leadership is their main organizational issue, but less than 10% feel they’re ready to address the leadership capability gap.

At the same time, highly self-aware leaders are seen as more effective than those who have lower self-awareness. That's why my leadership workshops are grounded in self-understanding.

Once self-understanding is embedded, I help leaders improve their understanding of those they lead, their peers and their own leaders.


Full Circle

Discovery Full Circle is a tool which offers 360-degree feedback in a way that's positive and motivates people to take action to improve relationships. Our Discovery Full Circle Profile is a goldmine of information, bringing to life how members of a team really see each other.

My Full Circle program focuses on leaders, and engages everyone around them (including subordinates) to provide insightful perspective into how a leader works with all of their stakeholders.

Thriving with change

If your teams aren't agile and constantly ready to adapt, your change initiatives will fail. And change is no longer an event that happens – it’s a constant state of being.

The Thriving Through Change program, uses Insights Discovery as a foundation to understand how different people process change in different ways. It helps learners to understand their reaction to stress, their preferred communication style when it comes to change, how they process information and what motivates them. Insights Discovery helps everyone to proactively respond to changes rather than just reacting to them.

By focusing on agility and adaptability, I help people, teams and leaders get ready for whatever changes are coming next — and changes are definitely coming.

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